Recording pleasure, 9.6.2017, from Mølleparken down the Aarhus Å River to Europaplads
Three solar boats carried singers of Aarhus choirs and swam on the Å River from Mølleparken down to Europaplads. The singers were accompanied by other singers along the canal and numerous listeners experienced the audible surprises in the bustling city center of Aarhus. Twelve microphones, some swam on the solar boats, one hovered with a balloon above the pedestrians, and others were carried by the singers themselves, recorded the murmurs and voices which mingled with street noises and sounds into the sound of Aarhus. The joyous sound expedition on the Å River inspired people to follow the sounds to Europaplads where the opening of the sonicArk wind pillars took place.
Murmermar is dedicated to that most valuable sound quality of a city, namely the stream of murmurs, which is constantly growing and owing between the houses and along the streets, to finally disappear while ascending to the open sky. This almost mysterious choreography of all our daily sounds is the model for the behaviours of all sounds of the compositions of sonicArk.